Pool Design
The benefits of choosing the right patio and pool design go beyond just aesthetics. They affect overall safety, cost and the maintenance required. Although many professionals are usually quick to recommend concrete, it is always wise to weigh your options to find the right fit.
Pros and Cons of Paver Patios and Pools
For patios, pavers provide a range of styles, colors, sizes and stones that gives you room to customize the look. When done well, they are visually pleasant and can easily increase the value of the property should you wish to sell one day.
Paver patios are resilient, preserving their structural integrity in the face of nature’s elements. And if they are damaged, they are often easy to replace or repair.
Pavers are also an option worth considering for your swimming pool plan. In addition to conventional paving, you can add unique features to the pool design like planter boxes or seat walls. They accommodate repairs very well, giving you access to plumbing and electrical wiring beneath the surface.
This design ranks high on safety as they have a non-slip surface, which is a must for swimming pools. Maintenance of both patio and pool is usually very little as they resist mildew, algae and erosion. Just make sure they are properly installed to avoid patchwork.
Unfortunately, while they offer impressive durability, they generally cost more than other types which may be an issue if you are looking for cost-effective options.
Pros and Cons of Tile Patios and Pools
Aesthetically, using tiles can give your pool and patio an elegant, finished look. There is just as much variety available as pavers and concrete designs. However, they have an added advantage of a cleaner look and can make pools seem bluer depending on the pattern you choose.
The durability and safety of tiles depends largely on choosing the right type and installing them correctly. Choose non-slippery tiles and options that do not produce a glare when hit by sunlight. Tile pool designs also require the right pH balance to stay clean and to prevent cracking.
Because installation is a significant factor with this design, it would be wise to go over any swimming pool plans with a professional. Tiles are volatile materials and need experienced hands to choose the appropriate type and grout.
The volatility of tiles is one of their downfalls. In addition to being potentially challenging to install and fix, they are often more expensive than most options. Maintenance therefore is also determined largely by the quality of work. If professionally installed, they can be easy to clean and maintain. If not, the design could be problematic.
Pros and Cons of Travertine Patios and Pools
If you live in an area that experiences extreme temperature changes like scorching summers or freezing winters, travertine might be a good fit for your patio and swimming pool plan.
Travertine is notorious for being resilient to extreme weather conditions, making it an ideal material for outdoor structures. It drains water well, withstands discoloration from sun exposure, and is resistant against mold, algae and mildew.
Travertine patio and pool decks can be slip-resistant too, enhancing the safety of children and other occupants of the home. And if you love the look of granite, this material can deliver at a fraction of the price.
Other than price, the sensitivity of travertine as a material is a major setback. It has a higher risk of staining, is sensitive to some cleaning products and generally needs to be sealed to prevent wear and tear.
Pros and Cons of Natural Stone Patios and Pools
Considering the volume of foot traffic and activity patios and pools receive, natural stone is one of the few materials that can withstand it. Sturdy and safe, they provide a steady walking path even on uneven ground and retain their look despite repeated use.
It is important to note that natural stones do not all share the same strengths. While slate stones are heat resistant, granite might fare better when used in a barbeque area or firepit. Other natural stones like limestone and travertine also have unique benefits and drawbacks.
Ultimately, the pros and cons of natural stone patio and pool design will rest on your choice of stone. In general, try to avoid types that absorb moisture easily as they may not be suitable for swimming pool plans.
Pros and Cons of Concrete Patios and Pools
Concrete is the chameleon of patio and pool designs, easily manipulated to look like some materials and pairing well with others for added benefits. This opens up a range of potential looks, patterns and textures.
Adding concrete to any of the mentioned materials can improve slip resistance, which is essential for swimming pool plans. Concrete can also reduce surface heat to make them more comfortable to walk on.
Its versatility gives plenty of design options to play with. You can choose from colored, stamped, stenciled, exposed aggregate and rock salt varieties to add a custom finish. The affordable price of concrete is also easy on the pocket.
Because it is not prone to shifting, maintenance is generally minimal except for cleaning and refreshing sealants once in a while to preserve its look.
On the downside, concrete paver surfaces do get scratched, and color can fade with time. The spaces between may also allow weeds to grow, which can be unsightly and uncomfortable to walk on.
Other Worthy Considerations
Other design options available for pool decks and patios include wood, wood composite, gravel and Astroturf (artificial grass). Astroturf, in particular, not only adds to the aesthetic of your backyard but is non-toxic and therefore safer and can conserve water throughout its long life span.
There is plenty of choice when it comes to materials to use for your patio and pool design. Although the final look is important, take time to consider all the pros and cons of each option. It is highly recommended to discuss your swimming pool plan with a professional to ensure proper installation, quality work and durability.